Rugby is a sport for children of all shapes and sizes. The growth of the game in the United States is at an all-time high thanks largely to its re-introduction into the Olympic Games. We teach kids the proper techniques and body positions to help promote safety in the contact areas. Participants also learn teamwork and one on one defense when the opposition has the ball. Rugby is all inclusive and everyone is encouraged to run with the ball.  Rugby instills skills, discipline, fitness, respect for others, camaraderie and sportsmanship. All while the kids are running, thinking, kicking, yelling and having fun. "Just pick it up and run with it," Rugby.

We carefully train participants prior to any contact situations. We also keep them with their own age group and ability. All rugby players are required to wear a mouth guard, shorts and safety approved rugby cleats for outdoor sessions which can be acquired at Rugby Imports in East Providence, RI or on line at www.rugbyimports.com